Julien Lecaché

My name is Julien Lecaché. I’m a Geomatician specializing in the Boundary product at Geopostcodes. My team and I maintain the postal database up to date. I’m currently developing tools using PostGIS in PostgreSQL and PL/pgSQL (also Mapshaper, GDAL, and bash…)
I hold a Master’s in Geomatics applied to urban studies and risks, from the University of Cergy Paris, France. My previous experience revolves around topics related to GIS apps in the field, transforming topographic maps to GIS, dashboards for decision-making, etc.
I am interested in everything related to Geographic information systems, open source, open data, databases (PostgreSQL), programming languages/managing data (Python, SQL, R), and Linux. I’m an OpenStreetMap enthusiastic and I enjoy contributing to mapping the most vulnerable places for humanitarian causes. Like a good Geographer, I enjoy discovering the world both through maps and with my backpack.