International Zip Code Validation: Is There Ultimate Postal Code Regex?

GeoPostcodes-International zip code validation
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When developers search for the ultimate postal code regex, they often hope to find a single expression that covers every country’s postal code format. However, this task is challenging because postal codes differ in format, length, and structure. This tutorial will guide you through effectively implementing regex patterns for international zip code validation.

While regex can catch formatting issues, it cannot verify whether a postal code is real. A non-negotiable component of an international validator is a trustworthy, accurate data source.

💡 For over 15 years, we have created the most accurate and up-to-date worldwide zip code database. If you need a global location database to validate zip codes, browse GeoPostcodes datasets and download a free sample here.

Check our PHP Street Address Validation guide if you’re also interested in validating addresses.

The Core Problem with a Global Postal Code Regex

There isn’t a singular regex that accurately validates postal codes globally. Because zip code formats vary across countries. This variety makes it impossible to encapsulate them in a single, precise regular expression. Attempting to do a single regex can lead to false positives, where invalid postal codes pass validation, or false negatives, where valid codes are rejected. Here is why:

  • Diverse Formats: Postal codes in different countries vary in formats—some use only numbers, others a combination of letters and numbers. For example, the US uses five digits (with an optional four-digit extension), while the UK combines letters and numbers.
  • Length Variations: Some postal codes are as short as three digits (Faroe Islands), while others can be as long as eight (Brazil).
  • Special Characters: In some countries, postal codes contain spaces, dashes, or other characters. For example, UK postal codes are often written with a space separating the first and second half (e.g., SW1A 1AA).
  • ZIP Codes often change: Have you ever wondered how often zip codes change? New postal codes can be added or removed periodically, further complicating the validation process if relying solely on static patterns.

Why Country-Specific Regex is the Way to Go

Each country’s postal system follows different standards, so country-specific postal code regexes based on each country’s system ensure correctness.

By applying the correct regular expression based on the country, you can ensure that:

  • Your system only accepts valid codes
  • You avoid false positives, where an incorrect postal code gets through
  • You reduce false negatives, where a valid postal code gets rejected

List of International Postal Codes Regex

The table below contains all countries’ correct postal code regexes and international zip code formats from the GeoPostcodes database.

💡 Download the full CSV file below with all countries’ zip code formats and regex.

ISOCountrySovereignZip FormatZip NameRegex
AFAfghanistanAF9999Postal code\d{4}
ALAlbaniaAL9999Kodi Postar\d{4}
DZAlgeriaDZ99999Code postal\d{5}
ASAmerican SamoaUS96799ZIP code96799
ADAndorraADAD999Postal codeAD\d{3}
AGAntigua and BarbudaAG
ARArgentinaARA9999 AAACPA[A-Z]\d{4}\s[A-Z]{3}
AMArmeniaAM9999Փոստային ինդեքս\d{4}
AZAzerbaijanAZAZ 9999Poçt indeksiAZ\s\d{4}

💡 Download the CSV file with a full table of all countries’ zip code formats and regex.

How to Implement the Regex System

  1. Identify the country: Before applying any regex, determine the user’s country (e.g., a country dropdown).
  2. Apply the corresponding regex: Once the country is known, use the appropriate regular expression to validate the postal code. For example:
import re

def validate_postal_code(postal_code, country_code):
    patterns = {
        'US': r'\d{5}',
        'CA': r'[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\s\d[A-Z]\d',
        'UK': r'[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9][A-Z0-9]?\s[0-9][A-Z]{2}',
        # Add more country-specific patterns here

    pattern = patterns.get(country_code.upper())
    if pattern:
        return re.match(pattern, postal_code)
        # Fallback for unrecognized formats
        return re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9\- ]{2,10}$', postal_code)

# Example usage
print(validate_postal_code('90210', 'US'))  # True
print(validate_postal_code('SW1A 1AA', 'UK'))  # True
print(validate_postal_code('G2B 0T3', 'CA'))  # True

Fallback for Unrecognized Formats: If your application serves users globally and specific regex for some countries isn’t feasible, allow a fallback regex that captures common postal code structures, such as:

^[A-Za-z0-9\- ]{2,10}$


This blog covered why a one-size-fits-all postal code regex doesn’t work, how country-specific regex ensures better accuracy, and why pairing regex with a reliable data source is critical for complete validation. We also provided accurate regex patterns based on international postal code formats and explained how to implement them.

While country-specific regex catches formatting issues, it doesn’t guarantee that the postal code is valid. The key to effective validation is coupling regex with a reliable, global postal code database that ensures the codes you’re validating exist.

At GeoPostcodes, we’ve compiled our worldwide zip code database for over 15 years, providing businesses with the most accurate data.

Whether you’re handling logistics, e-commerce, or CRM, our database will help you precisely validate postal codes, ensuring smooth operations and happy customers. Ready to enhance your postal code validation process? Browse our datasets and download a free sample to see the difference.


What is the ultimate postal code and zip regex?

Creating a regex pattern that matches all postal and ZIP codes globally is quite complex due to the varying formats used by different countries.

Check out our international zip code validation guide to learn how to resolve this issue.

How to validate the ZIP code?

Check out our guide on How to Use Python to Validate Zip Codes for a step-by-step explanation.

Is the International postal code the same as the ZIP code?

In general, zip codes refer to postal codes used in the United States, while postal codes are a broader term used internationally.

Different countries have unique postal code systems, such as Canadian postal codes, which use a combination of letters and numbers.

Check out our article on Zip Code vs. Postcode to learn more.

What is the format of a ZIP code in Europe?

Most countries in Europe use a four- or five-digit numeric code.

Notable exceptions include the UK and the Netherlands, which use alphanumeric postcodes of six to eight characters.

Check out the GeoPostcodes Database of Europe Zip Codes here.

How do I validate international zip codes?

Validating international zip codes requires checking them against country-specific formats, as postal codes vary by country.

This can be achieved by using postal code regex patterns for each country.

How can I validate addresses on my e-commerce platform?

For accurately validating addresses for your e-commerce platform, use services that validate zip codes and other address details, like country code, street address, and postal code, to confirm the information is correct and deliverable.

GeoPostcodes offers detailed postal code data, including zip codes, country codes, and address structures, which can be integrated into your system to confirm the accuracy of address information and enhance deliverability.

How does postal code regex work for address validation?

Postal code regex (regular expressions) define the valid structure of a postal code for each country.

This method helps verify whether the entered postal code adheres to the correct format for that specific region.

What is the best way to validate postal addresses?

To ensure postal address accuracy, it is essential to use an address validation tool that relies on accurate and up-to-date data, like GeoPostcodes, which checks the completeness and correctness of the address, including street names, city, postal codes, and country.

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