Container Terminals Code List

Enhanced port terminal data
ISO | Terminal_code | Latitude | Longitude | Terminal_area | Quay_length | Berths_number | Water_depth | Cranes | Rail_services | Trucks_gate |
AE | DPWJ2 | 25.022222 | 55.061667 | 8 | 15 | 32 | ||||
AL | DCT | 41.310833 | 19.451111 | |||||||
AO | BOA | -8.799861 | 13.252056 | 970 | 3 | 11.5 | ||||
AR | TRP | -34.584722 | -58.363056 | 43 | 1120 | 2 | 35 | On-dock | ||
AS | PAGO | -14.276667 | -170.684722 | |||||||
AU | ASLPB | -33.968889 | 151.210556 | 63 | 1400 | 4 | 15.2 | 9 | ||
AW | ASTEC | 12.5225 | -70.046389 | 13 | 1241 | 6 | 9.75 | 1 | No | |
BB | BPI | 13.106111 | -59.629444 | |||||||
BD | BDPORT | 22.305278 | 91.798611 | |||||||
BE | K1718 | 51.283333 | 4.256111 | 242 | 3680 | 11 | 17 | 40 | On-dock | |
BG | WPT | 43.19 | 27.646111 | 179.9 | 3430 | 41 | 11.2 | 35 | On-dock | |
BH | POSU | 26.185 | 50.713333 | |||||||
BJ | BTER | 6.346667 | 2.418889 | |||||||
BN | MCT | 5.023333 | 115.07 | |||||||
BR | BTP | -23.921944 | -46.352778 | 430 | 1108 | 17 | 38 | 16 | ||
BS | FCP | 26.530556 | -78.764444 | |||||||
BZ | POB | 17.48 | -88.203333 | |||||||
CA | DLT | 49.020556 | -123.151389 | 85 | 1100 | 1 | 15.9 | 12 | On-dock | 24 |
CD | MGT | -5.834167 | 13.431667 | 9.36 | 350 | 2 | 4 | |||
CG | CTPN | -4.791667 | 11.83 | |||||||
CI | CIT | 5.281111 | -4.017222 | 37.5 | 1100 | 16 | 24 | |||
CL | STI | -33.589167 | -71.621944 | 29.82 | 930 | 3 | 15 | 16 | 5 | |
CM | KCT | 2.725833 | 9.860278 | |||||||
CN | NICT | 22.622222 | 113.686944 | 238 | 4178 | 30 | 17 | 134 | ||
CO | SPIA | 3.904722 | -77.083889 | 110.4 | 600 | 14.5 | 18 | No | ||
CR | APMT | 10.011389 | -83.097778 | 40 | 650 | 14.5 | 41 | |||
CU | TCM | 23.006944 | -82.7625 | |||||||
CV | PRAI | 14.91 | -23.498611 | |||||||
CW | CPS | 12.114444 | -68.914722 | |||||||
CY | EGL | 34.648056 | 33.011389 | 34 | 800 | 16 | No | |||
DE | BLG | 53.576667 | 8.55 | 295 | 9 | On-dock | ||||
DJ | DMP | 11.600556 | 43.069167 | 1200 | 6 | 15.3 | ||||
DK | APMT | 55.66225 | 11.066167 | 5 | 500 | 15 | 3 | |||
DM | WRBP | 15.312222 | -61.389722 | |||||||
DO | DPCAU | 18.423333 | -69.630556 | |||||||
DZ | DPW | 36.821111 | 5.888889 | |||||||
EC | CONTE | -2.283333 | -79.901667 | 126.8 | 1625 | 10 | 12.5 | 32 | No | |
EE | TKM | 59.491667 | 24.967778 | |||||||
EG | PSCCH | 31.244444 | 32.301667 | 57.5 | 950 | 15.5 | 45 | |||
ES | NOATV | 39.4325 | -0.323889 | 145 | 2310 | 15.5 | 111 | On-dock | 10 | |
FI | FIKCT | 60.421111 | 26.909167 | 170 | 3150 | 20 | 89 | On-dock | ||
FJ | POSU | -18.1325 | 178.425 | |||||||
FR | TMS | 49.461389 | 0.141389 | 108 | 2100 | 6 | 15.3 | 11 | On-dock | |
GA | CGEME | -0.688889 | 8.775278 | |||||||
GB | TTY | 51.960556 | 1.296667 | 136.7 | 2354 | 7 | 11.6 | 65 | On-dock | |
GD | PSTG | 12.048056 | -61.749722 | |||||||
GE | APMT | 42.152222 | 41.653333 | |||||||
GH | MPS | 5.625278 | 0.008611 | 100 | 1000 | 3 | 16 | 41 | ||
GI | GIBNM | 36.147778 | -5.363889 | |||||||
GM | GPA | 13.444167 | -16.573333 | |||||||
GN | CCT | 9.510833 | -13.721944 | |||||||
GP | JARRY | 16.23 | -61.544167 | |||||||
GQ | PMAL | 3.761119 | 8.777806 | |||||||
GR | THPASA | 40.635556 | 22.906111 | |||||||
GT | TCQ | 13.927222 | -90.791111 | |||||||
GW | BIST | 11.858889 | -15.577222 | |||||||
HK | HITHK | 22.332222 | 114.125833 | 111 | 3992 | 12 | 14.2 | 213 | ||
HN | ENPCR | 15.843056 | -87.945833 | |||||||
HR | LPT | 43.043889 | 17.428333 | |||||||
HT | LFU | 18.693889 | -72.365 | |||||||
ID | UTC1 | -6.097778 | 106.893056 | 45.5 | 1640 | 8 | 12 | 76 | ||
IE | CCT | 51.834444 | -8.323333 | 39 | 360 | 13 | 2 | |||
IL | BAYP | 32.827778 | 35.0275 | |||||||
IN | BMCT | 18.933333 | 72.933333 | 90 | 1000 | 4 | 16.5 | 52 | ||
IQ | BMT | 30.050556 | 47.936667 | 64 | 800 | 4 | 10.5 | 7 | On-dock | |
IS | SUNDA | 64.150278 | -21.854167 | |||||||
IT | VTE | 44.421111 | 8.785278 | 116 | 1675 | 4 | 15 | 43 | On-dock | |
JM | KWL | 17.9825 | -76.827222 | |||||||
JO | ACT | 29.469167 | 34.975833 | |||||||
JP | APMYOK | 35.402222 | 139.679167 | 85.4 | 1600 | 4 | 16 | 11 | 27 | |
KE | MCT | -4.045833 | 39.626944 | |||||||
KH | SPA | 10.647778 | 103.510556 | |||||||
KR | PNC | 35.077778 | 128.8075 | 174.6 | 2000 | 16 | On-dock | |||
KW | SWKCT | 29.348833 | 47.920778 | |||||||
KY | CAYM | 19.295833 | -81.383889 | |||||||
LB | BCTC | 33.908889 | 35.534167 | |||||||
LC | PCAS | 14.010278 | -60.993333 | |||||||
LK | LKJCT | 6.947778 | 79.852778 | 130 | 1292 | 6 | 12 | 27 | ||
LR | APMT | 6.341944 | -10.795833 | |||||||
LT | KKT | 55.645833 | 21.16 | |||||||
LV | BCT | 57.007222 | 24.096667 | 57 | 450 | 12.5 | 11 | On-dock | ||
MA | APM2 | 35.863056 | -5.538333 | 60 | 1200 | 3 | 16 | 54 | ||
ME | ADR | 42.087778 | 19.084444 | |||||||
MG | MICTSL | -18.153056 | 49.4275 | |||||||
MM | MITT | 16.666389 | 96.250278 | 75 | 1000 | 5 | 10.5 | 16 | On-dock | |
MQ | PDGT | 14.592222 | -61.05 | |||||||
MR | TCN | 17.989444 | -16.026389 | |||||||
MT | FREE | 35.82 | 14.542778 | |||||||
MU | MCT | -20.141944 | 57.493611 | |||||||
MX | CMSA | 19.084722 | -104.3025 | 72 | 900 | 2 | 15 | 37 | ||
MY | KMT | 2.935 | 101.295 | |||||||
MZ | NCT | -14.543611 | 40.666667 | |||||||
NA | WVB | -22.951111 | 14.496667 | |||||||
NC | PON | -22.264722 | 166.433333 | |||||||
NG | TICT | 6.4325 | 3.3525 | 24 | 770 | 3 | 13.5 | 24 | ||
NI | EPN | 12.4825 | -87.167778 | |||||||
NL | NLSBH | 51.883611 | 4.413889 | 277 | 1540 | 2 | 9.65 | On-dock | ||
NO | MCT | 59.426944 | 10.657222 | |||||||
NZ | PAFW | -36.840833 | 174.783333 | 19.9 | 900 | 3 | 5.3 | 8 | ||
OM | APMT | 16.941389 | 53.995278 | |||||||
PA | PPCBL | 8.96 | -79.566667 | |||||||
PE | DPCLL | -12.054167 | -77.149444 | |||||||
PF | POPA | -17.537222 | -149.576111 | |||||||
PG | MIT | -9.428056 | 147.113333 | |||||||
PH | NHDP | 14.615833 | 120.956944 | 60.96 | 5758 | |||||
PK | SAPT | 24.804722 | 66.984444 | 48 | 800 | 16.5 | 34 | 8 | ||
PL | PLGDA | 54.381944 | 18.653333 | |||||||
PR | LACS | 18.435 | -66.093056 | |||||||
PT | SOTA | 38.725833 | -9.106944 | 16.7 | 772 | 2 | 8.3 | 11 | 200 | |
PY | CCPMI | -25.225833 | -57.572222 | 100 | 3 | 2 | 17 | |||
QA | HCT | 25.039444 | 51.600556 | |||||||
RE | SAMR2 | -20.931539 | 55.31545 | |||||||
RO | SOCEP | 44.151389 | 28.645556 | |||||||
RU | PLP | 59.891111 | 30.225556 | 121 | 13 | 11 | 30 | On-dock | 4 | |
SA | DPW | 21.454722 | 39.158333 | 156 | 1500 | 6 | 16 | 55 | ||
SB | HONP | -9.4275 | 159.959444 | |||||||
SD | SPC | 19.603611 | 37.231944 | |||||||
SE | CT1 | 57.688611 | 11.856111 | 80 | 1800 | 16 | 4 | On-dock | ||
SG | PSAPPT | 1.283333 | 103.776667 | 550 | 13450 | 18 | ||||
SI | LUKA | 45.553611 | 13.734722 | |||||||
SL | FTL | 8.493611 | -13.214167 | |||||||
SN | DPWSN | 14.687222 | -17.426944 | |||||||
SO | MAP | 2.025278 | 45.335556 | |||||||
SR | PBM01 | 5.880556 | -55.214444 | |||||||
ST | TMS | 0.346667 | 6.7375 | |||||||
SV | PUACA | 13.574722 | -89.837778 | |||||||
SY | TICT | 34.907778 | 35.866389 | |||||||
TG | LCT | 6.137222 | 1.273889 | |||||||
TH | HLTD | 13.049167 | 100.898056 | 77 | 1700 | 16 | 60 | |||
TL | TBCT | -8.570833 | 125.474722 | |||||||
TN | RAPO | 36.804167 | 10.265278 | |||||||
TO | NUAP | -21.136667 | -175.179722 | |||||||
TR | APMALI | 38.778333 | 26.931944 | 42 | 700 | 16 | 13 | |||
TT | PPOS | 10.654167 | -61.523889 | |||||||
TW | EMCKC7 | 22.536667 | 120.315833 | 149 | 2415 | 5 | 18 | 84 | ||
TZ | TPA | -5.066111 | 39.105556 | |||||||
UA | TISCT | 46.656389 | 31.01 | |||||||
US | BLOJX | 30.39 | -81.537222 | 305.1 | 2163 | 14.3 | 10 | Near-dock | ||
UY | MDP | -34.223889 | -58.074167 | |||||||
VC | CPCP | 13.17 | -61.248333 | |||||||
VE | BOPBL | 10.468889 | -67.998611 | |||||||
VN | CATLAI | 10.760833 | 106.795 | 100 | 1413 | 8 | 12 | 83 | ||
VU | LICT | -17.755 | 168.304722 | |||||||
WS | POA | -13.825556 | -171.762222 | |||||||
YE | MUK | 14.520278 | 49.149722 | |||||||
YT | MCG | -12.723611 | 45.164444 | |||||||
ZA | FPT | -33.9075 | 18.427778 | 11.6 | 808 | 10.2 | On-dock |
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Frequently Asked Questions
Container terminals are classified into five types: A, B, C, D, and E, based on the types of ships they can handle.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) created these codes to improve international ship safety.
All airports, seaports, and transshipment centers have distinct codes. These port codes are nearly universally acknowledged by airlines and freight forwarders. The origin ports for a major transit vessel are recognized by their port codes.
Various international databases, such as GeoPostcodes, provide details on trade and transport locations.
Some of the largest cargo ports in South Korea include Busan, Incheon, and Gwangyang. These container ports and bulk ports play a crucial role in global trade and logistics.
A warm water port is a location that remains ice-free throughout the year, making it crucial for uninterrupted maritime trade. Due to their significance in global logistics, many international port codes are assigned to these strategic cargo and container ports.
Seaports can be broadly categorized into two primary types: cruise ports, which serve commercial passengers, and cargo ports, which handle goods and shipments. Cargo ports can be further divided into bulk ports (also known as break-bulk ports) that manage various types of bulk cargo shipments.
The UNECE’s collaboration with key transport and trade organizations since 1981 has significantly simplified trade operations worldwide. This long-standing cooperation has led to the development and implementation of various trade facilitation measures, standards, and recommendations that streamline international trade processes.